Exploitation of game meat

  • Mi | 14 Okt, 2020 - Mo | 19 Okt, 2020
  • Veranstaltungsort: DIL Quakenbrück
  • Veranstalter: DIL Deutsches Institut für Lebensmitteltechnik e. V.

14. bis 19. Oktober 2020

At the FROM FOREST TO FORK MAKEathon, we work on the challenges of enhancing the value of game meat and together we look for solutions to make eating game meat more attractive to consumers.

Game meat is healthy and has an excellent CO2 balance. Despite all its nutritional benefits and the absence of animal welfare problems, game meat is consumed in small quantities in large parts of Europe.

Our MAKEathon is held both online and in attendance at the DIL.

Participants develop new ideas and concepts for marketing and also have the opportunity to create new products in our meat pilot plant.

The event is accompanied by experts who actively support the participating teams.

Interested? We would be pleased to send you the application documents.
Contact us: Alexander Märdian , phone +49(0)5431 183 354.


The MAKEathon is part of a series of MAKEathons delivered across Europe by the MAKE-it project under the consortium of EIT Food (

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